About MagaPetition.org

Maga Petition was inspired by Jack Passobiac who had launched a petition and it looked to us that there was conservative bias in the form of shadow banning.

We asked a few questions:

1. What if we launched the same petition on a neutral server with no bias against conservatives?

2. Would the response rate be the same?

3. How much bias would we discover?

Within 24 hours we had over 250,000 responses and at certain points doing over 1000 signatures a minute. Our suspicions were confirmed, so we decided to continue to expand the site. In a two week span, Maga Petition was featured on Tucker Carlson six times, and Hannity three times.


Q. I did not receive my confirmation email, what do I do?

A. After you sign the petition, MagaPetition.org will send you a confirmation email. If you do not receive this email, please drop us a quick message at info@magapetition.org or call our support line.

Q. Why do the counters drop sometimes?

A. If your signature is not verified via the confirmation email we sent you:

  1. Your signature will not count. Only verified signatures are counted.
  2. If you submit a signature under several emails, it will not count and it will not help your cause.
  3. When cheating is detected, that signature is deleted.
  4. If you submit your initials as your name, that signature is deleted. IE: JK Stone is not a name on this website, but Bob Jones is.
  5. Another common mistake is name@gmail.com.com – be careful when filling out the petition.

Q. Will you guys send me email from time to time?

A. Yes, we may send you news updates regarding your petition occasionally, for example. If you sign the Roger Stone petition, Roger Stone will send you email personally, updating you on his progress. We will not pelt you with irrelevant email. If you hear from us once a week, that would be considered high.

Q. Can I start my own petition?

A. Yes. Please send an email to info@magapetition.org and include your phone number, so we can call and discuss running your petition.

Q. Is there anything else I can do to help?

A. Yes. Once you have signed your petition, returning to that petition page everyday and hitting the Twitter or Facebook button is so helpful in getting us more signatures.

Q. I heard you guys are building a platform to compete with Twitter?