
MAGA Petition!

MAGA Petition’s Website, located at https://www.magapetition.org/ is an all volunteer (not a charity and we do not accept donations of any kind) based beta platform experimenting with the analysis of what is referred to as shadow banning (rigging) on various social media networks. We wanted to study and determine the difference between a petition run on an allegedly biased platform and compare reactions with visitors without muting individuals based on their beliefs. (Yes that means Democrats too.)

The software we use is beta and experimental. We are self funded and do not have the big budgets other petition sites have. That does not mean we are not fully committed to developing a platform that is outstanding, balanced and fair.


Other sites linking to us

We have not authorized anyone to link to use and we have seen other sites in the media claiming affiliation. We do not authorize any other domain name to affiliate its self with us.


  • Political
  • Accepting one dime from any party! NO EXCEPTIONS
  • Liable for Software bugs while we are still in development. THIS IS A BETA WEBSITE. WE ARE IN THE TESTING AND WILL CONTINUE.
  • We study traffic behavior and patterns FOR BIAS and nothing more. We want no part of any political mess.