Petitions – MAGA Petition
“It was more than evident that the petition sites were rigging any petition that was conservative themed”. Time to take action.
We are an all volunteer digital army of patriots dedicated to fair play for conservatives. We believe that all of the big Silicon Valley companies rig the results and keep petitions and polls from being truly accurate. Now we can get around most of the rigging but we ask that conservatives get educated and look in their spam folders to locate the confirmation email. Google is famous for sending conservative emails straight to the junk folder.
“It was more than evident that the petition sites were rigging any petition that was conservative themed”. Time to take action.
We are an all volunteer digital army of patriots dedicated to fair play for conservatives. We believe that all of the big Silicon Valley companies rig the results and keep petitions and polls from being truly accurate. Now we can get around most of the rigging but we ask that conservatives get educated and look in their spam folders to locate the confirmation email. Google is famous for sending conservative emails straight to the junk folder.

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Become Part of MAGA Petition to fight shadow banning of conservative Americans.